September 30-October 4

This week we are learning about fruits and vegetables! We are studying the differences between Needs and Wants. In math, we are learning about Shapes! Our recipe this week is “Green Muffins”. Our students are having fun trying new foods and everyone is doing well mixing, smelling, cracking eggs, and learning about new foods.

Ingredients needed this week are: banana (1), egg (1), honey,  and baby spinach


This Saturday October 5th is the Monster Truck Rally. Your child went home with one ticket on today Friday the 27th. Its always a big fundraiser for the school. This year Mrs. Phillips and I with be there at the T-shirt table!

Have a great week!

September 23-27

This week we are studying farm animals and foods that come from the farm. In math we are studying coins and our recipe  is deviled eggs. We have an early release this Wednesday at 11:30. Students will eat lunch prior to dismissal.

I hope you have a great week!

Supplies needed: boiled eggs, mayonnaise and mustard

September 16-20

This week our recipe is apple pies. We are learning about the Statue of Liberty and the parts of plants. In math, we are continuing our study of subtraction. Picture Day is this Thursday September 19th. Our class typically goes first thing in the morning to avoid waiting in line.

Supplies needed this week are: celery stalks, apple pie filling, and roll out frozen pie dough


This week we begin our study of Government! We are excited to learn about Labor Day, Patriot Day, and Constitution Day this month. In science this week we will learn about the three states of matter and in math we will begin learning about fractions.

Our recipe for this Friday is Root Beer Floats. (An example of  a solid, liquid and gas!)

Supplies needed are: vanilla ice cream and root beer

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday!