Back by popular demand , I will be updating the blog weekly so that you can know what are we working on in school and support any extra practice at home. 🙂
This week we are learning:
In Reading-making predictions about a book by taking a picture walk.
In Writing-Using a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and letter J.
In Math-measuring objects with non-standard units
In Science and Social Studies: Light and Sound Waves
We have done a density experiment with pumpkin shells and seeds, a light experiment with glowsticks in a bottle, and we will make a chocolate cake to go with our book, Thundercake, by Patricia Polacco.
The spelling words for this week are: tree, long, flower, he, said
Your student can practice math at home on the website
(Please contact me for your student login-I don’t want to publish anything with names on the internet!)
Homework for our class is voluntary, but if you would like for your child to get extra practice, they can practice the spelling words for the test on Friday and work on math on Zearn, 15 minutes each day.
Don’t forget to check Seesaw to see work your student is doing every day on the weekly skills and IEP goals! There are always fun pictures of our class projects!